
Wednesday 25 September 2019

The Human Knot

On a windy cloudy Monday morning, The Block and the teachers went out to the hard court in front of our class to play a game called The Human Knot. We played this game to get inspiration and ideas for our writing. To play you had to wait to get into teams.

We were all hoping it would be a fun game and my team already knew what to do. First you got into a huge circle and put your right hand in the middle and hold onto someone else's wrist. Then you had to put your left hand in and do the same thing again. Next you have to try to untangle your arms.

It was difficult for me and Gabriella so I did nothing even though everyone told me to listen to them but I giggled and said "no" so they just pulled me in and made me hold someone's wrist. All of us almost got untangled and one of us even twisted her arm.  We were finally untangled and we were the winners.

We had to do it again because the other teams didn't finish. The second time we did it,we failed but it was lots of fun. When the game was over,we ran to the trees and back to class. I felt puffed out because we ran to the trees and my arms were in pain.

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